SAT-7’s youth–focused project YES recently participated in “The Grün Fête de la Musique” festival, which took place from June 22-24 in Cairo. This year’s theme of understanding environmental issues and supporting sustainability, while also listening to and celebrating music, was met with an overwhelmingly positive response from the young audience.
SAT-7 producer Rafik George attended the event and filmed a special program about caring for creation, which includes interviews with young people at the festival. Its aim is to raise awareness among youth about environmental concerns. SAT-7’s presence helped to demonstrate our interest in this topic to the young attendees.
“This was a great opportunity not just for SAT-7 but for all other organizations that care about the environment,” says Rafik. “SAT-7 was among more than 20 represented at the festival. We had a booth and a screen that broadcast our videos. We answered questions about SAT-7 and filmed with the young people there. It is important to be part of these events because we are a part of society.”
One participant told SAT-7, “Caring for the environment is a human duty and a divine commandment that we cannot ignore or consider as a luxury issue, because it is the basis of our lives and everything around us.”
The festival included a number of workshops about caring for the environment, including practical applications for daily life. SAT-7 interviewed workshop attendees, giving them a platform to share their knowledge and perspectives. According to the festival’s organizers, an estimated audience of 30,000 people was present, most of whom were youth between the ages of 18 and 25.
SAT-7 had a booth at the event and showed videos to the young people to raise awareness of SAT-7’s work and especially our commitment to stewarding the earth’s resources.
“Youth for an Enabling Society” is a SAT-7 project with on-the-ground activities in Egypt. The project aims to inspire and empower youth to contribute innovative solutions to present-day challenges faced by their local communities.
Creation care has been a focal theme in the current phase of the project. As new weather patterns continue to be a major concern for the most vulnerable in the country, many are losing access to stable livelihoods, especially in the farming sector, causing higher rates of migration.
In tune with SAT-7’s faith-based commitment of promoting the well-being of the world created by God, YES is establishing local partnerships to engage youth in fresh initiatives that invite them to consider their role in responding to local needs.
* YES is a five-year project funded by Norad via Digni and NMS.
Prayer Points
Would you please pause and pray for the following right now?
- That the next generation will be moved to honour God by protecting and caring for His Creation as faithful stewards