SAT-7 began to use an app called Telegram®, previously used by ISIS for its encryption security. Why? To reach the isolated of Iran. The results were instantaneous. Within the first 24 hours, 3,000 individuals contacted SAT-7 using Telegram. Since September 2015, there have been over 60,000 Bible views through Telegram and SAT-7 receives 2,000 messages daily. Together, we opened a door to spiritual freedom for thousands.
SAT-7 began to use an app called Telegram®, previously used by ISIS for its encryption security. Why? To reach the isolated of Iran. The results were instantaneous. Within the first 24 hours, 3,000 individuals contacted SAT-7 using Telegram. Since September 2015, there have been over 60,000 Bible views through Telegram and SAT-7 receives 2,000 messages daily. Together, we opened a door to spiritual freedom for thousands.
If you were to meet a Christian who has never met another Christian, what would you say? How would you change the situation?
For countless SAT-7 viewers, their reality as a Christian is isolation. In places like Turkey, where only 1% of the population is Christian, it can be difficult to know where to go to worship and meet for fellowship. Meanwhile, countries such as Iran place strict regulations on Christians that make gathering for worship impossible. Yet, still other countries such as Syria show that simply being a Christian can mean death.
These feelings and actions force us to ask a very real question: How can we reach the isolated? Those who seek to know the Truth of Jesus?
And the answer is unexpected. We utilize what the enemy would use for evil to create something good.
Using apps like Telegram means that individuals like Hanieh can worship and engage in fellowship with others. Hanieh wrote to SAT-7 from her home in Iran after discovering Telegram to express her gratitude. “Thanks for accepting me into the Telegram group. I was very lonely in my faith and now here in this group I can talk freely about Jesus…thank you for introducing me to other Christian friends.” For countless viewers like Hanieh, Telegram has opened up an entirely new world of fellowship, community, and kindness. Together we are helping to unite an entire group of people formerly isolated and oppressed.
Another viewer shared, “I’m grateful for all of you, for your kindness and diligent work that you do to gather us in Iran…this is not a program or media ministry, but it is truly our church for the time being!”
Together, we are forming communities. Thank you for being a part of SAT-7, for opening up a world previously closed to so many desperate for fellowship. Join us in celebrating as we continue to rejoice in the blessings and victories God has provided for us in 2016!
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© 2016 SAT-7